

Create Spot Order

Creates a spot order. Limit or market orders can be created by changing the “type” field.

POST /v1/perps/orders


Name Type Description Example Required
clientOrderId string optional order id provided by client. Must be alphanumeric including underscores and dashes and less ≤ 64 characters. "order123" No
market string trading market pair "AVAX-USD.P" Yes
price string limit price. Must be aligned with quoteIncrement from /v1/markets
Do not specify for market order. "1.55" Yes
quoteSize string order quantity based in quote currency. Can only be set for market order buys. "13.0967" No
side string buy or sell "buy" Yes
size string the amount of base currency to buy or sell. Both market and limit order can use this. Must be aligned with baseIncrement from /v1/markets "20.30" Yes
type string the order type, “limit” or “market” limit No, defaults to “limit”
timeInForce string “GTC” - Good until cancelled or “IOC” - Immediate or cancel. Cannot be set for market orders. IOC No, defaults to “GTC”
postOnly boolean Whether an order should be prohibited from filling on placement. true No, defaults to false

If postOnly is true and an order would match at placement, response code 400 will be returned, with the error message post_only_has_match.

If postOnly is true, and timeInForce is set to IOC, response code 400 will be returned, with the error message invalid_time_in_force.

See below for more details on the error response.

Example error response

  "clientOrderId": "order123",
  "market": "AVAX-USD.P",
  "price": "1.55",
  "side": "buy",
  "size": "20.30",


Name Type Description Example Required
canceledAt dateTime order cancel time "2022-06-16T12:35:11.123456Z" No
clientOrderId string order id provided by client "order123" No
createdAt dateTime order created time "2022-06-16T12:35:11.123456Z" Yes
fee string Fees incurred on order "0.0837" Yes
filledAt dateTime time when order was fully filled "2022-06-16T12:35:11.123456Z" No
filledCost string cost of filled portion of order (filledSize * filledPrice) "8.37465" Yes
filledSize string quantity of order filled "5.403" Yes
market string market "AVAX-USD.P" Yes
orderId string order id used internally by Enclave "70a37d8f972f2494837f9dba8364cbb4" Yes
price string limit price "1.55" Yes
side string "buy" or "sell" "buy" Yes
size string order quantity "20.30" Yes
status string order status - open / fullyfilled / canceled "open" Yes
type string the order type, “limit” or “market” limit Yes
timeInForce string “GTC” - Good until cancelled or “IOC” - Immediate or cancel.
Will not be returned for market orders. IOC No
cancelReason string cancel reason description "immediateorcancel" Yes
  "result": {
    "canceledAt": "2022-06-16T12:35:11.123456Z",
    "clientOrderId": "order123",
    "createdAt": "2022-06-16T12:35:11.123456Z",
    "fee": "0.0837",
    "filledAt": "2022-06-16T12:35:11.123456Z",
    "filledCost": "8.37465",
    "filledSize": "5.403",
    "market": "AVAX-USD.P",
    "orderId": "70a37d8f972f2494837f9dba8364cbb4",
    "price": "1.55",
    "side": "buy",
    "size": "20.30",
    "status": "open",
  "success": true

Get Orders

Gets orders that meet parameters

GET /v1/perps/orders


Query parameters